
Tavistock Primer II
This article by Charla Hayden and René Molenkamp, acts as a guidebook for what a conference conducted in the Tavistock tradition is all about. It includes the history, the theoretical underpinnings, the modern adaptations, and more.

The BART System of Group and Organizational Analysis
This article by Zachary Green and René Molenkamp, provides a introduction to a key framework within group relations learning, known as BART: Boundary, Authority, Role, and Task.

Paradoxes of Group Life: a diagnostic tool
Based on the book, "Paradoxes of Group Life," by David Berg and and Kenwyn Smith, this diagnostic tool provides the reader with a visual into the contradiction, imbalance, and complexity of behavior in a group.

An Open Letter to a Potential Attendee at an A.K. Rice Group Relations Conference
By Robert Bart, this letter was written to a potential new member of a group relations conference to highlight what one may expect as a newcomer to this type of experiential learning method.

The National Conference Has Helped My Career
Written by Michel Deschapelles, an associate of the Washington-Baltimore Center, this piece addresses his attendance and learning at the AKRI National Conference and suggests what is available to participants at other group relations conferences, residential and non-residential.

For more information, see our selected bibliography.

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